A cliffhanger like this is useless unless we can understand "what the cliff is") I can't answer why certain people are showing up at the end (perhaps bioware will tell us in the coming months. I chose "control" and the result: Joker, Edi, Tali. Thus, a good reason NOT to choose "destroy". I thought it would mean all forms of computer intelligence would die, right? That would hurt civilization the most I think. So far, that is my favored outcome, and I am about to do "control" next, but I was just curious if anyone had figured out what determines the end characters.Īnother thing they need to do is clarify what "synthetic life" means. I went back and chose "synthetic", and the outcome was Joker, Edi, and Tali. Tali makes sense to me since I romanced her in ME2 and this game. The result was Joker, Tali, and Javik getting off the normandy. Who you take on the final mission doesn't effect who exits the Normandy. I got Javic who I did use frequently as a party member and was in my party during the final mission. If I had to pick one it would be the later. It could be based off of who you talked to the most or used the most on missions. It ran through the destroy ending twice, and had the same character in this slot both times. If three people haven't come out, then this is when the "closest too" crew members appear. I've seen clips with Traynor and Cortez, so it's not limited to squad members. In youtube clips of the ending I've seen, this person is almost always a possible romance option for the sex of the Shepard in the ending. I've ran different endings multiple times, and Liara is always the one to come out after Jocker and EDI. My Shep picked Liara, and she came out after Joker and EDI. Next comes your romance option if they are still alive and part of the crew.

If Synthesis is chosen EDI comes out next. Joker always comes out first if he survives. If it is too low, nobody comes out of the wreckage. The first thing that drives who comes out of the Normandy is your EMS.